Indie Shaman Interview – Jim PathFinder Ewing

This article first appeared in Issue 3 of Indie Shaman magazine (October 2010). Questions were asked by members of the Indie Shaman community at that time. Indie Shaman:   When did you begin your shamanic path and what either drew you to shamanism or led you to recognise your calling? Jim:        From the time I wasContinue reading “Indie Shaman Interview – Jim PathFinder Ewing”

Sacred Art: A Hollow Bone for Spirit (Where Art Meets Shamanism)

Imelda Almqvist Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. (From the poem Our Deepest Fear, by Marianne Williamson) One red thread runs through my life and connects all my younger selves: my love for painting. As a teenager I attended my interview forContinue reading “Sacred Art: A Hollow Bone for Spirit (Where Art Meets Shamanism)”

North Sea Water in My Veins: A reconstruction of the pre-Christian spirituality of The Low Countries

Imelda Almqvist Paint stripper In 2018 a Dutchman drove his van all the way to London to attend a Seiðr course I was teaching. At some point he took my arm and said: “Imelda, what does not yet exist is a book covering everything we know about the pre-Christian spirituality of the Netherlands. It isContinue reading “North Sea Water in My Veins: A reconstruction of the pre-Christian spirituality of The Low Countries”

Greeting the Cailleach

Danu ForestArtwork: Dan Goodfellow In the endless cycles of life and death, winter and summer, dark and light, there is a constant…that the wheel will always turn. To the Celts all life started with darkness, with the cold season at Samhain, now celebrated on October 31st or the full moon nearest to it. This acknowledgedContinue reading “Greeting the Cailleach”

The Druid Shaman and the Powers of Place

Danu Forest The mythology of Britain and Ireland is full of tales of shape-shifters and seers, men and women who tasted the brew from the cauldron of inspiration, like the real life bard Taliesin, ate the salmon of knowledge, like Fionn mac Cumhaill, or underwent tuition in the realms of faerie, such as the druidessContinue reading “The Druid Shaman and the Powers of Place”

A Wild Magic

Danu Forest One of the earliest records of the Celts’ views of the gods come from the accounts of the war leader Brennus visiting the Greek sanctuary at Delphi in the 1st century BCE, written by the writer Diodorus Siculus: “Brennus, the king of the Gauls, on entering a temple found no dedications of goldContinue reading “A Wild Magic”

Gwyn ap Nudd: Wild god of faerie, Guardian of Annwfn

Danu Forest “I would shelter you and keep you in light,but I can only teach you night vision.”Suzanne Vega My first encounters with Gwyn ap Nudd began long ago, before I ever realised it was his presence that I felt, deep in the forest under a full moon. Something, a call, a tug at myContinue reading “Gwyn ap Nudd: Wild god of faerie, Guardian of Annwfn”

We Who Guide the Spirits

Chris Allaun When we learn core shamanism, we learn to explore the three worlds of the sacred tree of life. We make spirit contacts with the ancestors, gods and nature spirits. We help our community reconnect to the three worlds to find balance and healing. My Lakota teachers call this “good medicine”. As contemporary shamansContinue reading “We Who Guide the Spirits”

Reclaiming the shamanic tradition from Chiron’s Pelion Mountain

Fotoula Adrimi In this personal account Fotoula Adrimi, shamanic teacher and practitioner shares her quest to reclaim her ancestral shamanic lineage dating back to ancient Greece. In childhood Fotoula was immersed in the ancient history, myths and legends of her native country. Her paternal grandfather, teacher of ancient Greek, inspired her to follow the writingsContinue reading “Reclaiming the shamanic tradition from Chiron’s Pelion Mountain”

The Origins of Tarot: The Guiding Light

Tilly Tarot The heavenly and inspiring mythological stories surrounding the life of Tarot overwhelms our knowledge of archetypal annotations past. It encourages us to use our personal experience to unveil the true hidden meanings and deliver what we believe to be at the fountain of symbolism. For many centuries they have helped guide us throughContinue reading “The Origins of Tarot: The Guiding Light”