Dreams of the Reiki Shaman

In his previous book Reiki Shamanism, Jim Pathfinder Ewing first introduced us to his unique way of combining the powers of shamanism and Reiki. Here in Dreams of a Reiki Shaman he takes us deeper into his world, his way of working and shares with us insights into his own practice. The 1st chapter onContinue reading “Dreams of the Reiki Shaman”

Medicine of the Imagination

Imelda Almqvist’s books aren’t to be skipped through lightly and quickly: they take the reader on a journey of exploration of themselves and the world around them. An activity is set at the end of each chapter, giving you a wonderful excuse to treat yourself to a new journal. Medicine of the Imagination contains soContinue reading “Medicine of the Imagination”

Natural Born Shamans

Natural Born Shamans is about spiritual and shamanic work with children and the guiding principles of ‘shamanic parenting’. Author, Imelda Almqvist, is a Dutch shamanic practitioner, based in London, who has three sons.  During her own childhood she learnt how to cope with the difficulties of experiencing premonitions and being called by spirit to doContinue reading “Natural Born Shamans”

Sacred Art: A Hollow Bone for Spirit

Sacred Art is a truly inspiring book taking you on a journey of the history of art from rock paintings through to ‘modern day’ art. A journey which shows how art, religion, science, alchemy and cosmology were all once interwoven and how  unfortunately they became split in our need to break things apart. Your thoughts,Continue reading “Sacred Art: A Hollow Bone for Spirit”

A Guide of Spirits

Chris Allaun’s A Guide of Spirits: A Psychopomp’s Manual for Transitioning the Dead to the Afterlife is aimed to aid the many people he encountered who “wanted to help the dead cross over to the Land of the Ancestors but did not necessarily know how” and in that I think he succeeds very well. AndContinue reading “A Guide of Spirits”

The Golden Book of Wisdom

The Golden Book of Wisdom is a voyage of awakening and an evolutionary guide for spiritual discovery. In twenty four chapters or ‘spiritual lessons’ using the ancient Snake symbol of wisdom, healing and rebirth, Fotoula Adrimi provides guidance on ‘shedding skin’. Examples include: reclaiming personal power; soul retrieval and reclamation; discovering our life purpose viaContinue reading “The Golden Book of Wisdom”

The Last of the Shor Shamans

Essential reading for anyone interested in Siberian indigenous shamanism, The Last of the Shor Shamans details the history and practices of the shaman of the Shortsi people, aiming to preserve their legacy. Authors, Alexander and Lubov Arbachakov, are both native to the Shor region of Siberia. Alexander Arbachakov was raised in a traditional village inContinue reading “The Last of the Shor Shamans”

Shor Shamanic Epic Folktales

Shor storytellers were the caretakers of their peoples culture, history and lore and would ‘unleash’ a tale that, to their listeners, was “something tangible, corporeal, animate,” they were magical and protective, told to bring joy to both people and spirits; and even on the printed page and in translation you can still catch a senseContinue reading “Shor Shamanic Epic Folktales”

The Druid Shaman

This little gem of a book provides a wonderful introduction to the world of Celtic or Druid shamanism. Beginning with the essential explanations of who the Celts were, what druidry is, and of shamanic practice itself the author explains “the term ‘Celtic shaman’ is a modern one but we can draw sensible and logical conclusionsContinue reading “The Druid Shaman”

Dance of Stones: A Shamanic Road Trip

Dance of Stones: A Shamanic Road Trip is a story of three journeys: the tale of a physical road trip; the shamanic journey of emerging screenwriter-shaman Soli; and the journey this book will take you on as you travel through its pages, absorbing information effortlessly as you go. Travelling through the pages of this bookContinue reading “Dance of Stones: A Shamanic Road Trip”